River Road Trail Closure for BNSF Work Starts March 3

BNSF Railway is closing a section of the River Road Trail starting March 3 for the duration of its railroad bridge project per this statement:

“With the start of the new year, crews are constructing the walls and caps for Piers 8, 11 and 12. Progress on the piers continues through the winter while the team also plans to start on Pier 4 on the eastern side of the river. To facilitate that work and keep the public safe in the construction zone, a section of River Road Trail in Bismarck will be closed beginning March 3, 2025, for the duration of the project.

The area of the trail closure is approximately 200 feet on either side of the bridge project site at the railroad right of way. Signs placed both north and south of the railroad bridge along the trail will alert the public to the closure. Approximate closure locations are depicted in the map below.

BNSF and the project team appreciate the public’s cooperation in avoiding the trail in that area.”

Learn more about the BNSF project.

Map showing River Road Trail Closure by BNSF for railroad project for 200 feet on both sides of the railroad bridge