Volleyball (Coed) 4th & 5th Grade

Volleyball Coaches and Officials Needed!

If interested, please call 222-6641 or email Jeremy.

The youth volleyball program is a recreational program designed to teach the basic skills, sportsmanship and techniques involved in the game of volleyball. The purpose of the program is for participants to have FUN, get exercise and develop skills. Children of all abilities are encouraged to participate. Emphasis will be placed on equal participation and skill development. Win/loss records are not kept, and the program will conclude with a jamboree.


2025 League Dates

  • Grade 4: Jan. 27-March 15
  • Grade 4 Jamboree: March 14-15
  • Grade 5: Jan. 27-March 22
  • Grade 5 Jamboree: March 21-22

Location, Schedules and Teams

  • 4th grade will have one practice a week.
  • 5th grade will have two practices a week.
  • Practices are held at the schools.
  • Teams will be formed after the first week of practice, and a schedule will be provided for the remainder of the season.
  • Every attempt will be made to split the teams as equally as possible when more than one team exists per grade at any school.
  • If there are not enough 4th or 5th graders at one school to make a team, schools may be combined at the discretion of BPRD.
  • Due to gym availability, some schools may have different practice schedules. You will be notified through the school office and/or team coach.
  • Matches will begin Saturday, Feb. 8.

Practice & Match/Game Schedules


  • Grade 4: $70/player – if received on or before Jan. 10.
  • Grade 4: $80/player – if received Jan. 11 or later.
  • Grade 5: $80/player – if received on or before Jan. 10.
  • Grade 5: $90/player – if received Jan. 11 or later.
  • Participants must play at the school they attend.


Online registration is now closed. Please call 701-222-6455 to learn about options for in-person registration.

School  4th Grade Code  5th Grade Code
Centennial 28204 28225
Elk Ridge 28205 28226
Grimsrud 28206 28227
Highland Acres 28207 28228
Liberty 28208 28229
Lincoln 28209 28230
Martin Luther 28210 28231
Miller 28211 28232
Moses 28212 28233
Murphy 28213 28234
Myhre 28214 28235
Northridge 28215 28236
Pioneer 28216 28237
Prairie Rose 28217 28238
Roosevelt 28218 28239
Shiloh 28219 28240
Silver Ranch 28220 28241
Solheim 28221 28242
Sunrise 28222 28243
Will-Moore 28223 28244

* Light of Christ Schools (LOC) participants will need to contact LOC to register for 4th and 5th grade volleyball.