Tennis (Summer) 10 & Under Programs
The 10 & under tennis programs bring kids into the game with specialized equipment (racquets and balls) and shorter court dimensions, all tailored to age and size. This format makes learning tennis easy and fun! Kids should bring water, sunscreen and tennis shoes to lessons. Racquets are provided for those who don’t have one.
Session 1: June 2-26, 2025
- Registration Closes: May 28 at 10pm
- Parent Letter
Session 2: July 7-31, 2025
- Registration Closes: July 2 at 10pm
- Parent Letter
- Registration closes five days before classes start. If minimum enrollment is met, registrations will be taken after the deadline if there is room in the class. Registrations after the deadline will be taken in person only.
- If classes reach capacity, more class times may be added and will be available for registration online. Those who are on waiting lists will have first priority in added classes.
- Instructor reserves the right to combine or cancel classes due to low enrollment.
- If classes are cancelled, participants are informed prior to the first day of class and refunds are issued.
- All classes have a minimum of 5 participants.
Photo Information
Tiny Tots
Kids are introduced to tennis on a 36-foot court using a foam ball. Basic skills of tennis are introduced through hand-eye coordination and games. Focus is on fun, improving social skills and physical fitness.
Ages, Fee and Location
- Ages 3-4
- $30/child per session – includes 8 40-minute classes
- Youth T-shirt included with registration fee (one per child)
- Sertoma Park Tennis Complex, 300 Riverside Rd.
- Capital Racquet & Fitness Center (CRFC), 3200 N. 10th St.
- Maximum enrollment per class: 8
Session 1: June 2-26, 2025 | |||
Times | Location | M & W Code | T & Th Code |
9-9:40am | Sertoma | 28974 | 28978 |
10-10:40am | Sertoma | 28971 | 28975 |
11-11:40am | Sertoma | 28972 | 28976 |
6-6:40pm | CRFC | 28973 | 28977 |
Session 2: July 7-31, 2025 | |||
Times | Location | M & W Code | T & Th Code |
9-9:40am | Sertoma | 28965 | 28969 |
10-10:40am | Sertoma | 28962 | 28966 |
11-11:40am | Sertoma | 28963 | 28967 |
6-6:40pm | CRFC | 28964 | 28968 |
Daycare Program Field Trips
This tennis program is specifically designed for daycare centers to bring their kids to a 45-minute class designed to teach them basic tennis skills, hand-eye coordination and games. Focus is on fun, improving social skills and physical fitness.
- Ages 3-8
- $5 per child – for one 45-minute class
- Online registration is unavailable for this program. Please call Matt at 401-4360 to schedule a date and time.
Child/Parent Class
Join your child and learn to play tennis together! A fun class that teaches a progression to learning tennis. This is also a great class for children already in tennis lessons. Parents can learn along with their child and help them progress. Parents are free with a paid child registration. Designed for parents and their children ages 3-6.
- $35/child per session – includes 8 45-minute classes
- Capital Racquet and Fitness Center, 3200 N. 10th St.
Dates | Day | Times | Code |
June 3-26, 2025 | T & Th | 5:15-6pm | 28883 |
July 8-31, 2025 | T & Th | 5:15-6pm | 28882 |
Kids use a 36-foot court and red ball and expand their skills learned in Tiny Tots. Basic strokes are introduced including volleys, forehand and backhand. Tennis etiquette and sportsmanship is introduced. Games are played to utilize strokes learned and to focus on fun and promote physical fitness.
Ages, Fee and Location
- Ages 5-6 or instructor permission
- $40/child per session – includes 8 55-minute classes
- Youth T-shirt included with registration fee (one per child)
- Sertoma Park Tennis Complex, 300 Riverside Rd.
- Capital Racquet & Fitness Center (CRFC), 3200 N. 10th St.
- Maximum enrollment per class: 8
Session 1: June 2-26, 2025 | |||
Times | Location | M & W Code | T & Th Code |
9-9:55am | Sertoma | 29026 | 28960 |
10-10:55am | Sertoma | 28953 | 28957 |
11-11:55am | Sertoma | 28954 | 28958 |
6-6:55pm | CRFC | 28955 | 28959 |
Session 2: July 7-31, 2025 | |||
Times | Location | M & W Code | T & Th Code |
9-9:55am | Sertoma | 28947 | 28951 |
10-10:55am | Sertoma | 28944 | 28948 |
11-11:55am | Sertoma | 28945 | 28949 |
6-6:55pm | CRFC | 28946 | 28950 |
8 & Under Tennis
Kids are introduced to a 36-foot court using a red ball. Basic strokes are expanded upon and serving and match play is introduced. Games are played to utilize strokes learned and to focus on fun and promote physical fitness.
Ages, Fee and Location
- Ages 7-8
- $40/child per session – includes 8 55-minute classes
- Youth T-shirt included with registration fee (one per child)
- Sertoma Park Tennis Complex, 300 Riverside Rd.
- Capital Racquet & Fitness Center (CRFC), 3200 N. 10th St.
- Maximum enrollment per class: 8
Session 1: June 2-26, 2025 | |||
Times | Location | M & W Code | T & Th Code |
9-9:55am | Sertoma | 28921 | 28925 |
10-10:55am | Sertoma | 28918 | 28922 |
11-11:55am | Sertoma | 28919 | 28923 |
6-6:55pm | CRFC | 28920 | 28924 |
Session 2: July 7-31, 2025 | |||
Times | Location | M & W Code | T & Th Code |
9-9:55am | Sertoma | 28912 | 28916 |
10-10:55am | Sertoma | 28909 | 28913 |
11-11:55am | Sertoma | 28910 | 28914 |
6-6:55pm | CRFC | 28911 | 28915 |
8 & Under Tennis – Advanced
This class is for 7-8-year-olds who would like more in-depth instruction before advancing to 10 & Under. Participants must be able to continuously rally over a mini-net and have an understanding of the serve. Ball placement and control will be introduced.
Ages, Fee and Location
- Ages 7-8 and instructor permission
- $40/child per session, 2 days a week
- Sertoma Park Tennis Complex, 300 Riverside Park Rd.
- Maximum enrollment per class: 8
Session | Day | Times | Code |
I: June 3-26, 2025 | T & Th | 12-1pm | 28907 |
II: July 8-31, 2025 | T & Th | 12-1pm | 28906 |
10 & Under Tennis
Kids are introduced to a 60-foot court when ready using an orange ball. Tennis strokes are more in-depth and rallying is emphasized. Serving and match play are expanded on and games are played to utilize techniques learned and to focus on fun and promote physical fitness.
Ages, Fee and Location
- Ages 9-10
- $40/child per session – includes 8 55-minute classes
- Youth T-shirt included with registration fee (one per child)
- Sertoma Park Tennis Complex, 300 Riverside Park Rd.
- Capital Racquet & Fitness Center (CRFC), 3200 N. 10th St.
- Maximum enrollment per class: 8
Session 1: June 2-26, 2025 | |||
Times | Location | M & W Code | T & Th Code |
9-9:55am | Sertoma | 28900 | 28904 |
10-10:55am | Sertoma | 28897 | 28901 |
11-11:55am | Sertoma | 28898 | 28902 |
6-6:55pm | CRFC | 28899 | 28903 |
Session 2: July 7-31, 2025 | |||
Times | Location | M & W Code | T & Th Code |
9-9:55am | Sertoma | 28891 | 28895 |
10-10:55am | Sertoma | 28888 | 28892 |
11-11:55am | Sertoma | 28889 | 28893 |
6-6:55pm | CRFC | 28890 | 28894 |
10 & Under Tennis Advanced
This class is for 9-10-year-olds who would like more in-depth instruction before advancing to High School Prep. Participants must be able to continuously rally and serve. Strategy in match play is introduced and focus on ball placement and control.
Ages, Fee and Location
- Ages 9-10
- $120, 2 days a week
- Youth T-shirt included with registration fee (one per child)
- Sertoma Park Tennis Complex, 300 Riverside Park Rd.
- Maximum enrollment per class: 8
Session | Day | Times | Code |
I: June 3-26, 2025 | T & Th | 10-11:30am | 28886 |
II: July 8-31, 2025 | T & Th | 10-11:30am | 28885 |
Special Tennis Events
Junior Team Tennis Challenge
Participants get an introduction to competition for players ages 7-12 using a red, orange or green ball. This low-level competitive play experience highlights teamwork and skill development in a fun social environment.
Players enter as individuals and are matched with others of like ability to form teams. Racquets are provided for those who need one. Parents are encouraged to sign up to be on court helpers.
- $7/player
- Sertoma Park Tennis Complex, 300 Riverside Park Rd.
Session | Day | Times | Code |
June 13, 2025 | F | 10:30am-12pm | 28936 |
June 20, 2025 | F | 10:30am-12pm | 28937 |
July 18, 2025 | F | 10:30am-12pm | 28934 |
July 25, 2025 | F | 10:30am-12pm | 28935 |
Summer Grand Slam Youth Tennis Tournament
We are ending the summer with a grand slam event! There will be medals and prizes for all who participate.
Ages, Fee and Location
- Ages 6-18
- Free – if enrolled in summer 2025 tennis lessons
- $5 – no enrollment in summer 2025 tennis lessons
- Sertoma Park Tennis Complex, 300 Riverside Park Rd.
Date | Times | Ages | Code |
Monday, Aug. 4, 2025 | 9am-12pm | 6-10 | 28928 |
Tuesday, Aug. 5, 2025 | 9am-12pm | 11-18 | 28927 |
Rainout/Inclement Weather
The decision to cancel lessons is never an easy one. We will do the best we can to conduct lessons each day. However, the slightest amount of rain causes tennis courts to become slick, and safety is our number one priority. Please check this website’s orange ALERT bar or “Follow” us on Facebook. Due to the short session, we are unable to offer makeups because of weather cancellations. If this is a concern, we suggest signing up for indoor evening lessons to avoid missing classes because of weather.