Community Garden Program

Bismarck Parks and Recreation District (BPRD) offers a community garden program. BPRD and Burleigh County provide the land use and the water for the community gardens. Interested individuals and families plant their garden, keep it weed free and enjoy the harvest. There is a fee to rent a plot.

Garden Locations and Maps

Hunger Free Gardens/Share Tables

The program supports the efforts of Hunger Free Garden and encourages participation by donation of excess produce and fruit to local community food pantries or food programs. In addition, two Community Share Tables are available at Tatley-Eagles Park Community Gardens for the gardening community to share seeds, plants and produce with fellow gardeners and the public.

Organic/Sustainable Gardening

Organic/sustainable gardening is encouraged at all locations and defined as follows: the growing of plants with methods that can successfully sustain itself without requiring many outside resources, pesticides or herbicides. Sustainable gardening is always organic. A sustainable garden is grown using soil amendments such as compost or other organic matter by using plants and methods that work harmoniously together to minimize weed growth and provide a soil that is healthy enough to retain moisture and is rich in nutrients. Grass clippings, straw and fabric barriers are acceptable ground covers. Natural rather than chemical methods are used to adjust the pH and soil composition and provide nutrients.

2025 Season


  • Late January – letters/use agreements will be mailed to returning gardeners
  • Friday, March 7 – 5pm deadline for returning gardeners to submit use agreements and payment to secure garden plots for the season
  • Wednesday, March 19 – open plots are available to waitlist and public
  • Monday, May 19 (weather permitting) – gardens open for the season
  • Sunday, June 8 – deadline for all gardens to be planted
  • Sunday, Oct. 12 – gardens close for the season (all plots must be cleared of plant materials, markers, decorations, fencing, stakes, etc.)


  • 10-foot by 10-foot plot = $15
  • 20-foot by 20-foot plot = $60 (only available at Missouri Valley Complex and Tatley-Eagles Park)

New Gardeners

As of March 19, registrations forms are being accepted for new gardeners. Plots are available at Municipal Ballpark/Hannifin, Missouri Valley Complex, and Tatley-Eagles Park. Return the new gardener registration form to the main park district office at 400 E. Front Ave. with payment to secure a garden plot.

Interest List

Anyone who did not have a community garden plot in 2024 may call the BPRD office at 701-222-6455 to be placed on the interest list for 2025. Those on the list will be contacted by email in mid-March regarding availability of garden plots. New gardener registration forms and payment will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis starting March 19.

 2025 Use Agreement Language

Bismarck Parks and Recreation District (BPRD) manages the garden plots at Elk Ridge Park, Horizon Park, Johnny Gisi Memorial Park, Municipal Ballpark/Hannifin, Tatley-Eagles Park, and Missouri Valley Complex. BPRD marks the plots and provides water and hoses for use, but no other tools are provided.

  1. I will pay a $15 fee per 10-foot by 10-foot plot and/or a $60 fee per 20-foot by 20-foot plot up to a maximum of four plots.
  2. If I must abandon my plot for any reason, I will notify BPRD at 701-222-6455.
  3. I will plant my garden by Sunday, June 8, 2025, or my plot may be released.
  4. I will keep weeds at a minimum and help maintain the areas immediately surrounding my plot.
  5. I will keep trash and litter out of the plot, as well as adjacent pathways and fences. I understand that dumpsters are for garden debris only.
  6. I will only plant tall crops where they will not shade neighboring plots.
  7. I will use fertilizers, insecticides and other chemicals responsibly, so my usage of chemicals does not affect other plots. I understand the application of non-natural herbicides (weed killers) is prohibited.
  8. I will only harvest my crops unless granted permission by another gardener.
  9. I will return the hoses to the hose reels when finished and keep hoses clear of grassed areas if/when mowing is in progress. I understand I may bring my own hoses.
  10. I will not use unattended or self-timing watering systems.
  11. I understand the gardens are not secured, and damage is possible.
  12. I acknowledge that garden plots are for personal use only; commercial use is not allowed.
  13. It is recommended that dogs and other pets are not brought to the gardens. If brought to the garden, I will keep my pet(s) leashed at all times, out of neighboring gardens, under my direct control, and I will always clean up after them. Service animals are permitted.
  14. It is recommended that plots are cared for at least once a If my plot(s) is unattended for more than three weeks, I understand that it will be considered abandoned and subject to tilling or reassignment, and I may lose the privilege of renting in future years.
  15. I will participate in cleanup of my plot(s) by the end of day Sunday, Oct. 12, 2025. I will clear my plot(s) of all plant materials, markers, decorations, fencing, and stakes. Any material remaining after the cleanup date will be discarded. I understand that if I do not clear my plot, I may lose the privilege of renting in future years.



Two women gardening