Park Board


Lots for Sale

For Sale: Hay Creek Park Addition Properties

Meetings and Policies

Meetings & Agendas
Past Minutes
Request to Appear
Ordinances & Policies


Plans and Budgets

(PDF Downloads)
BPRD Organizational Chart – Approved 2024

Comprehensive Plan – Approved 12-15-2022
Recreation Programming Plan – Approved 12-15-2022
Resource Management Plan – Approved 12-15-2022
ADA Transition Plan – Approved 3-21-2024

2023 Annual Budget – Approved 9-15-2022
2024 Annual Budget – Approved 9-21-2023
2025 Annual Budget – Approved 9-19-2024

2023-25 Strategic Plan – Approved 5-19-2022
2024-26 Strategic Plan – Approved 5-18-2023
2025-27 Strategic Plan – Approved 4-18-2024

2019 BPRD Facilities Master Plan Presentation
2019 Indoor Community Recreation Complex Feasibility Study Conceptual Plan
2021 Boulder Ridge Park Options Meeting – Final
2023 Community Input Survey Results

Awards – Local, State and National

Matching Grant Program

Bismarck Parks and Recreation District’s Matching Grant programs provides matching funds for facility, grounds, and equipment projects. In its 35th year, the program has provided matching funds for 545 projects with total project costs of more than $5.6 million. Applications will be accepted from Bismarck associations, organizations, clubs or individuals interested in matching funds to sponsor a project in a Bismarck Parks and Recreation District facility or park. Matching funds are awarded twice per year. Applications are available at our office. Call 222-6455 for more information. DEADLINES: Annually, February 1 and June 1 at 5pm.

Bismarck Board of Park Commissioners

Do you have a question or comment for a commissioner? Email your question to

President of the Board:

Mark Zimmerman

Term: 2022 – June 2026

Portfolio: Administration

This portfolio assignment deals with BPRD finance, budget, human resources, risk management, legal services, strategic planning, auditing, legislation, intergovernmental assistance and marketing.

President Zimmerman serves on the Bismarck Recreation Council and the Bismarck Community Bowl Authority.

Vice President of the Board:

Julie Jeske

photo of Commissioner Julie Jeske

Term: 2022 – June 2026

Portfolio: Facilities and Programs

The Facilities and Programs portfolio assignment deals with adult and youth programming, including all recreational sports, arts, culture, special events and special populations. Facilities in this portfolio include all the BPRD golf courses (Pebble Creek, Tom O’Leary, Riverwood and Fore Seasons Center) and outdoor aquatic centers (Elks, Wachter and Hillside) and the indoor ice arenas (VFW Sports Center and Capital Ice Complex.) Also in this portfolio are the BSC Aquatic & Wellness Center, Capital Racquet & Fitness Center and World War Memorial Building and the classes and programs related to these BPRD facilities.

Vice President Jeske serves on the Missouri Valley Complex Committee.

Paula Redmann

Commissioner Paula Redmann photo


Term: 2024 – June 2028

Portfolio: Facilities and Programs

Vice President Jeske and Commissioner Redmann share the Facilities and Programs Portfolio.

Commissioner Redmann serves on the BSC Aquatic and Wellness Center Advisory Committee.

Michael Gilbertson

Term: 2022 – June 2026

Portfolio: Operations

The Operations portfolio assignment deals with BPRD’s parks, open spaces, land topics, greenways, natural and interpretive areas, forestry, playgrounds, skate parks, disc golf courses, athletic fields and complexes, outdoor rinks, outdoor courts and both paved and off-road trails. Facilities in this portfolio area are General Sibley Park, McDowell Dam, Hoge Island and Nishu Bowmen Archery Complex, as well as BPRD leased properties.

Commissioner Gilbertson serves on the Sleepy Hollow Park Liaison Committee.

Kate Herzog

photo of Commissioner Kate Herzog

Term: 2024-June 2028

Portfolio: Operations

Commissioners Gilbertson and Herzog share the Operations Portfolio.

Commissioner Herzog serves on the Forestry Advisory Board and Renaissance Zone Authority.

Executive Director/Clerk:
Kevin Klipfel

Kevin Klipfel has been in the field of parks and recreation for more than 30 years. Kevin received his Bachelor of Science degree in Parks and Recreation Administration from the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks.

The Executive Director is responsible for the overall administration of the operations, capital improvements, staffing, maintenance, acquisitions and financial plans of the Bismarck Parks and Recreation District. His responsibilities include providing and maintaining comprehensive public parks and recreation programs in order to provide park and recreation opportunities for the community of Bismarck. The Executive Director also serves as the Clerk of the Board of Park Commissioners.

Kevin is a Certified Parks and Recreation Executive and a Certified Playground Safety Inspector.