Groundbreaking at Cottonwood Park
Bismarck Parks and Recreation District (BPRD), donors and volunteers celebrated the groundbreaking for eight additional softball fields at Cottonwood Park. Four of the fields are for adult softball and four fields will make up a youth fastpitch complex. The expansion of the park also includes dugouts, scoreboards, parking, a grandstand and pressbox, two lighted fields in the youth complex, a concessions and restroom building, ticketing building, fencing, connecting trails, two playgrounds, two picnic shelters, trees and shrubs.
Bismarck Board of Park Commissioners helped celebrate the ground breaking. Pictured are Wayne Munson, Julie Jeske and Board President Brian Beattie. Commissioners Mike Gilbertson and Mark Zimmerman were unable to attend.
This park expansion would not have happened without the help from BPRD partners. Here are folks representing the Bismarck Men’s Slowpitch Softball Association, the Bismarck Women’s Slowpitch Softball Association and the Bismarck Youth Fastpitch Softball Association.
Campaign committee members take their turn. Stephanie Holtz, Co-chair Steve Chuppe, Matt Luidahl, co-chair Mike Wolf and BPRD staff members Paula Redmann and Kevin Klipfel.
What a great representation from Dakota Community Bank and Trust. Dale Pahlke (front row, white shirt) and staff helped celebrate their lead gift and the naming of the youth fastpitch complex.
Genny Giese of ND Parks and Recreation, Dale Pahlke of Dakota Community Bank and Trust, and campaign co-chairs Steve Chuppe and Mike Wolf help break ground at Cottonwood Park.
BPRD staff members celebrate the groundbreaking. Pictured are Dave Mayer, Operations Director; Kathy Feist, Finance Director; Executive Director Randy Bina; Community Relations Manager Paula Redmann and Facilities and Programs Director Kevin Klipfel.