Capital Ice Complex
1504 Wichita Dr., Bismarck, ND 58504
Capital Ice Complex is home to two sheets of ice – Schaumberg Arena and Wachter Arena. This complex is home to youth hockey, figure skating, public ice skating and roller skating. The mezzanine space is available to rent for birthday parties or business meetings. Capital Ice Complex is located next to Wachter Park, which includes Magical Moments Playground and Paul H. Wachter Aquatic Complex.
Public Indoor Ice Skating
- Schedule
- Fee: $5/individual or $10/family
- Skate Rental: $5 each
- Skate with the flow.
- No racing or dodging other skaters.
- No food on the ice.
- No spins – both feet must be on the ice.
- Be courteous to other skaters.
- Always use caution – be aware of other skaters.
- Ice Rentals: $120/hour (limited availability)
- Dry floor: $50/hour or $600/day (hockey rink)
- Building: $1,200/day (commercial non-ice event
- Meeting room details
- Reservations: call 221-6813
Capital Ice Complex featuring Schaumberg Arena and Wachter Arena
The “Building on Tradition” capital campaign raised just over $3.8 million for the campaign. Thank you to all donors for making this expansion possible. The Bismarck Hockey Boosters and the Bismarck Figure Skating Club made substantial donations to the project, as well as the Chad and Stacy Wachter family.