Concussion Policy
According to the CDC, “a concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or by a hit to the body that causes the head and brain to move rapidly back and forth. This sudden movement can cause the brain to bounce around or twist in the skull, creating chemical changes in the brain and sometimes stretching and damaging brain cells.”
The Bismarck Parks and Recreation District will implement the following policy and procedures with the purpose of lowering serious health risks associated with activity related concussions or head injuries. Youth are more at risk for concussions and they can be damaging to the development of the brain.
It is a mandatory policy of the Bismarck Parks and Recreation District that coaches, referees, site supervisors, parents, and participants will be educated on the signs, symptoms, and behaviors that are consistent with concussions. They WILL NOT be trained to diagnose a concussion, that is the responsibility of a qualified healthcare provider. We ask for best judgment when observing the signs, symptoms, and behaviors of concussions and head injuries.
Participants under the age of 18, who are suspected of a concussion or head injury, must sit out and seek medical attention. Participants will not be able to return to activities until proper procedures have been followed. The BPRD Return to Play form (PDF) must be signed by the parents/guardians.
Signs and symptoms of a concussion or head injury:
- Headache
- Confusion
- Double or blurry vision
- Dizziness
- Nausea or vomiting
- Ringing ears
- Memory loss
- Sensitivity to light or noise
- Difficulty concentrating
- Slurred speech
- Mood or personality change
If participants are exhibiting any of these symptoms after a head injury, they must be pulled from the activity immediately and a parent or guardian must be notified.
- Distribution of Policy
- Parents, coaches, assistant coaches, and site supervisors associated with the sport or activity should become familiar with and have access to a copy of the Bismarck Parks and Recreation District’s Concussion Policy and access to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) information on concussions (see below).
- Concussion Procedures
- Any participant exhibiting the signs, symptoms, or behaviors associated with a concussion or head injury must be immediately removed from the activity and may not participate again in any activity until the BPRD Return to Play form (PDF) is signed by the parents/guardians. This can be done on site or at the Bismarck Parks and Recreation office.
- The participant’s parent or guardian should be immediately notified of a possible head injury.
- Coaches or site supervisors must fill out an initial incident/accident report.
NOTE: This policy is applicable only to Bismarck Parks and Recreation District programs, leagues, and events. The Bismarck Parks and Recreation District is not responsible for implementing any concussion or head injury policies or procedures for independent teams, leagues, events, organizations, or associations that utilize Bismarck Parks and Recreation fields or facilities.
Reviewed and Approved by Kevin Klipfel, Executive Director, 3/23