Community Survey Results Released


Bismarck Parks and Recreation District (BPRD) conducted a community input survey to gather information from residents regarding programs, parks, trails and facilities. The survey was part of the 2018-20 BPRD strategic planning process.

A total of 717 responses were received, compared to 634 responses from a similar survey in 2014. BPRD scores in the areas of satisfaction with parks, facilities, programs, communication and the value of the park district in enhancing the quality of life all improved over 2014.

The survey also asked about BPRD’s greatest strengths, opportunities for improvement, what new or additional indoor or outdoor facilities should be developed and what are the most important issues BPRD is facing in the next three years.

The diverse parks, trails and facilities in BPRD’s system were rated as the greatest strength. Survey participants said the quality of facilities is the greatest opportunity for improvement. Residents would like to see Concert/outdoor movie areas offered as an outdoor enhancement. The top wish list item for indoors is a climbing wall. Keeping up with Bismarck’s growth was listed as the top issue facing the district in the next three years.

BPRD staff and the Board of Park Commissioners will use the data to create the 2018-2020 Strategic Plan, which will be presented at a future board meeting for consideration.

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