Board of Park Commissioners Brief for March 20, 2025

Brandon Wilkens, Bismarck Parks and Recreation District (BPRD) facility specialist, shared information about the State Amateur Basketball Tournament being held in Bismarck March 28-30. There will be 116 teams competing with a new high school division this year.

The Board approved the bid for concrete projects as follows: General Sibley Park & Campground to Paramount Builders for $33,603, Aaron Haaland Memorial Baseball Field to Paramount Builders for $27,517, Sleepy Hollow Park to Brandoz Concrete for $10,881, and Wildwoods Horseshoe Complex to Paramount Builders for $35,860.

BPRD Finance Director Kathy Feist presented the 2026 budget development schedule.

The Board approved a letter of support for Section 17 of HB 1020, the North Dakota Department of Water Resources appropriation bill that includes funding for the South Bismarck Flood Control Project.

The Board approved grant applications for the America the Beautiful Forestry Grant, Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program, and Recreational Trails Program. The Board approved the Companion Agreement for the South Washington Trail Project and the BSC Aquatic & Wellness Center Operating Agreement with Bismarck State College. The Board awarded the Pebble Creek Golf Course fertilizer bid to Superior Tech Products for $3,840. The Board added SRF to the Approved List of Engineering, Architect and Planning Services. The Board approved the consultant agreement with Apex Engineering Group for the General Sibley Park & Campground electrical project and the call for bids. The Board approved disposal of equipment through the City of Bismarck auction in May.

The next regularly scheduled Board meeting is Thursday, April 17, at 5:15 p.m. in the Tom Baker Meeting Room.