Board of Park Commissioners Brief for Jan. 21, 2021

Meeting Recap for Jan. 21, 2021

The Board heard about the upcoming Flurry Fest activities and special events planned for the month of February. Flurry Fest is Bismarck Parks and Recreation District’s (BPRD’s) annual celebration of winter.

Jeff Ubl of Ubl Design Group provided the Board with an update on the construction of the new BPRD maintenance facility. The project is going well and is scheduled to be completed in early summer.

The Board approved bids to expand the Pioneer Park parking lot and for the printing of the 2021 BPRD Activity Guide.

Other board business included approving the development of Silver Ranch Neighborhood Park as well as improvements at North Central Park. KLJ was selected as the consultant for the projects. The Board authorized staff to select consultants for Hidden Star Neighborhood Park and Promotory Point Neighborhood Park and also granted permission to apply for a ND Game and Fish Grant for improvements at Fox Island.

The next Board of Park Commissioner’s meeting is Thursday, February 18, 2021 at 5:15pm in the Tom Baker Meeting Room.