Bismarck Recipients Recognized with State Parks and Recreation Awards

The North Dakota Recreation & Park Association held its annual Awards Banquet in Bismarck on Sept. 14.  Local award recipients included:

  • The Cottonwood Park Expansion by Bismarck Parks and Recreation District (BPRD) received the Golden Egg Award, which recognizes outstanding and innovative park projects in North Dakota.
  • Dr. Steve Chuppe, co-chair of Bismarck Recreation Council capital campaigns for the Bismarck Municipal Ballpark and Cottonwood Park Expansion, received the Citizen Advocacy Award.
  • Mike Wald, BPRD facilities manager for ice arenas and outdoor pools, received the Distinguished Professional Award.
  • Two former BPRD employees were inducted into the NDRPA Hall of Fame, the association’s highest honor – Tim Kuntz and Dennis Nybo.
Five men standing next to each other, one of them is holding an award.
Golden Egg Award – L to R:  BPRD Executive Director Randy Bina, Vice President Wayne Monson, Commissioner Michael Gilbertson, Commissioner Andrew Jordan, Commissioner Mark Zimmerman
Headshot of Dr. Steve Chuppe
Dr. Steve Chuppe
Headshot of Mike Wald
Mike Wald
Headshot of Tim Kuntz
Tim Kuntz
Headshot of Dennis Nybo
Dennis Nybo